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These podcasts are produced and brought to you by AICPA & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. They cover a broad range of topics of interest to accounting and finance professionals worldwide.


AICPA is the abbreviation for the American Institute of CPAs, and CIMA stands for the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Our founding membership bodies continue to serve professionals, students and the public worldwide when communicating specific legal, regulatory statutes and governance.


This selection includes active shows, along with some that have reached the end of their season. We welcome your feedback, along with any questions and suggestions. Get in touch at


Copyright 2023 AICPA & CIMA

AICPA & CIMA Show(s) Available

Apr 29, 2022

Ted Sarenski is in a sweet spot of life where he is doing what he loves most at work and has reaped the benefits of the relationships and business he created.  He shares his story in this new podcast series hosted by Lyle Benson, CPA/PFS.  Ted discusses:

  • How he went from doing small firm accounting and tax work...

Apr 27, 2022

During tax season, the IRS released SECURE Act proposed regulations that came with some surprises and made calculating RMDs more complicated. In this episode of the PFP Section podcast, Bob Keebler interviews Ed Slott to get you up to speed on the latest. They discuss:

  • What’s important for CPA financial planners to...

Apr 22, 2022

The term legacy can come across as vague and intimidating. Often it is associated with assets left behind at death. In this episode of the PFP Section podcast, expert Susan Turnbull sheds light on the broader way to view legacy that will support your clients to get in touch with the difference they want to make in the...

Apr 15, 2022

Cryptocurrency has drawn attention in 2022 with super bowl ads, President Biden’s executive order, and its role in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. In this episode of the PFP Section podcast, Ryan Firth, CPA/PFS, shares how you can add value for your clients who are interested investing in or learning more...

Apr 08, 2022

HR 2954, also known as the Securing a Strong Retirement Act, passed the House on March 29th and is now waiting on a vote from the Senate. Bob Keebler, CPA/PFS, shares the sections most pertinent to CPA financial planners in this episode of the PFP Section podcast, including but not limited to:

  • Section 106 increases the...