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These podcasts are produced and brought to you by AICPA & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. They cover a broad range of topics of interest to accounting and finance professionals worldwide.


AICPA is the abbreviation for the American Institute of CPAs, and CIMA stands for the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Our founding membership bodies continue to serve professionals, students and the public worldwide when communicating specific legal, regulatory statutes and governance.


This selection includes active shows, along with some that have reached the end of their season. We welcome your feedback, along with any questions and suggestions. Get in touch at


Copyright 2023 AICPA & CIMA

AICPA & CIMA Show(s) Available

Aug 28, 2020

Guest:  Steve Siegel, JD, LLM

The coronavirus pandemic highlights the importance of estate planning, regardless of wealth. As your client’s most trusted adviser, it’s important to initiate discussions to ensure their planning is in order. In this episode, Steve Siegel walks you through the core concepts,...

Aug 21, 2020

Guest:  Ted Sarenski, CPA/PFS

If you’re looking for one of the best tax deals around, look no further than a HSA for its trifecta of benefits. Contributions are tax deductible, growth is tax free, and qualified withdrawals are not taxable. Explore the ins and outs of HSAs and why they should be considered for every...

Aug 14, 2020

Guest:  Bob Keebler, CPA/PFS

Be prepared to shift some of your tax and financial planning strategies if there is a change in administration with the coming election. Learn about tax policy themes and potential planning opportunities from Bob Keebler, CPA/PFS, including: 

  • Payroll taxes on high income earners
  • Marginal...

Aug 07, 2020

Guests:  Bob Keebler, CPA/PFS and Jonathan Blattmachr, Esq.

In this episode, learn what happens when a client gifts and sells property to an intentionally defective grantor trust and passes away 15 years later. Bob Keebler and Jonathan Blattmachr discuss the following topics related to the basis of the property: 

  • How...