Oct 26, 2020
Several months into the pandemic, we take a look at how some CPA parents are faring. They talk about the struggles they’ve faced, how they balance parenting and working from home, what they do to recharge, and the unexpected joys they’ve experienced while spending more time with their families. Our guests for this...
Oct 14, 2020
In an economic downturn such as the one that resulted from the
coronavirus pandemic, not-for-profit organizations can feel pinched
in two ways. People who have lost jobs or fear losing them may be
less likely to donate to the NFPs at a time the services offered by
the organizations are needed most. Strategies and...
Oct 12, 2020
Corporate board work may have changed forever as a result of
COVID-19. The lessons corporate directors take away from the
pandemic will be critical to company survival and success beyond
2020. Paula Loop, CPA, the leader of PwC’s Governance Insights
Center, explains in this podcast episode how boards have...