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These podcasts are produced and brought to you by AICPA & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. They cover a broad range of topics of interest to accounting and finance professionals worldwide.


AICPA is the abbreviation for the American Institute of CPAs, and CIMA stands for the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Our founding membership bodies continue to serve professionals, students and the public worldwide when communicating specific legal, regulatory statutes and governance.


This selection includes active shows, along with some that have reached the end of their season. We welcome your feedback, along with any questions and suggestions. Get in touch at


Copyright 2023 AICPA & CIMA

AICPA & CIMA Show(s) Available

Oct 20, 2022

The busier we get, the more we tend to rely on bright lines to help us navigate the world around us. Easy rules to make work simpler. But as trusted advisers in a profession the public relies on, easy rules don’t always cut it for accountants. Sometimes, as Sarah Brack, CPA, says in this episode, you have to use that...

Oct 06, 2022

Winter is coming...  Are you overwhelmed with clients asking you to amend their 941s? And are you getting calls from businesses offering to help you out for a fee?

In this episode, Joan Farris and John Wiley, two CPAs on staff in the AICPA Professional Ethics Division, talk through some questions we’re getting on the...