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These podcasts are produced and brought to you by AICPA & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. They cover a broad range of topics of interest to accounting and finance professionals worldwide.


AICPA is the abbreviation for the American Institute of CPAs, and CIMA stands for the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Our founding membership bodies continue to serve professionals, students and the public worldwide when communicating specific legal, regulatory statutes and governance.


This selection includes active shows, along with some that have reached the end of their season. We welcome your feedback, along with any questions and suggestions. Get in touch at


Copyright 2023 AICPA & CIMA

AICPA & CIMA Show(s) Available

Oct 31, 2018

"In today's global marketplace, more and more decisions to do business with people and organisations are driven by their security posture"

On this final day of Cyber Security Awareness Month in the USA and CyberSec Month in the EU, we talk about the practical realities - and the recommended best practices...

Oct 24, 2018

"In order to learn have to become uncomfortable. You have to get out of your comfort zone! You have to get out there and talk to people".

Peter Rehm is our first returning guest on the podcast and describes himself as "a CPA who is also a technologically-orientated blockchainer". In the last...

Oct 17, 2018

"Smishing is a funny term to describe a very serious problem that's going to be more and more prevalent"

Rod Griffin is Director of Public Education at Experian, a leading credit reporting agency which aggregates information on over 1 billion individuals and businesses around the world. Speaking from the company's...

Oct 10, 2018

" Information security and IT are two rather different things, and organisations don't realise that yet".

As EU CyberSec Month and USA Cybersecurity Awareness Month continue, so does our focus on online safety for business. Cybersecurity expert Lisa Traina introduces AICPA & CIMA staffer Julia Woislaw to the world of...

Oct 03, 2018

"This whole space is very volatile and very it's important to think carefully and to do your homework before putting your capital to work"

In conversation with Linsday Patterson (AICPA & CIMA, Washington DC), Dr. Smith shares how his work and research on blockchain and accounting technology enables him...